9 Tips for Nighttime Allergy Relief
After a long day, nothing feels nicer than cozying up in bed for a restful night’s sleep – that is, until your nighttime allergies hit. When indoor and outdoor allergens keep you awake with a stuffy or runny nose, itchy eyes, or sneezing, sleeping through the night comfortably might feel like a far-off dream. By better understanding your allergy symptoms, you can combat them with a nighttime allergy decongestant and other nighttime allergy symptom relief methods for a sleep that will leave you ready to take on the day to come.
Typical nighttime allergy symptoms
Allergens like dust, mold, pet dander, and pollen can cause allergic rhinitis symptoms to flare up seasonally or year-round (or perennially). While it’s possible you might not feel the effect of these allergens so much during the day, some, especially those common indoor allergens like dust mites and pet dander, often trigger allergy symptoms to worsen at night.1 That’s because several common items found in bedrooms, such as bed linens, window curtains, and ceiling fans, are home to allergy-inducing substances.
If you have nighttime allergies, you may seek relief from nasal congestion, runny or itchy nose, and itchy or watery eyes. All of these symptoms can make it hard to sleep comfortably and can even make breathing more difficult while asleep – a recipe for a groggy morning.2
How to manage your nighttime allergies
There’s no question that the effects of allergies are especially a nuisance when you’re trying to get a solid snooze. Try these tips to reduce pesky allergens from disturbing your sleep and to find nighttime allergy relief:
1. Dust mite-proofing your house
Dust mites are one of the most common household allergens. They feed on dead skin cells and often live inside mattresses, pillows, and bedding. Using zippered covers for your mattress, pillows, and box spring can help keep dust mites at bay. You might also consider swapping out down-filled comforters and feather pillows for a synthetic material.
2. Use an air filter
A HEPA, or high efficiency particulate air, filter can help remove about 99% of the dust, pollen, bacteria, and other allergy-inducing particles from the air in your bedroom.3 You can purchase portable air filters to keep the air in your space almost entirely allergy-free.
3. Make your room a pet-free zone
As much as you love a nighttime snuggle with your cat or dog, pet dander is a typical allergy-causing culprit. Keeping your furry friends off of your bed or (even better) out of your bedroom entirely can reduce the pet dander on your bedding and in the air.
4. Wash your bedding regularly
Keep your bedding clean to reduce the allergens that may settle there. That means washing sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, etc. at least once a week in hot water. If you have children with allergies, you should also wash any stuffed animals they sleep with frequently.
5. Close your windows
A cool breeze from outside can feel refreshing at night but having your window open can also allow outdoor allergens like pollen to get into your bedroom. Shutting your window will help avoid adding these irritants to the air.
6. Keep your room squeaky clean
Dust isn’t just found on your bedding. It can also settle on hard floors, on shelves, in carpeting and more. Remember to dust, sweep, and vacuum regularly to reduce the chance of a dust build up in your sleeping space.
7. Replace curtains with blinds
Curtains are a typical space for dust to collect, and they aren’t the easiest to get clean. (Removing large drapes from a curtain rod isn’t a chore you’d want to take on too often.) Swap out your curtains with blinds so you can easily swipe away dust.
8. Turn off the ceiling fan
Not only do ceiling fans tend to pick up dust, but they can also swirl it all around the room when you turn them on. Especially if you don’t have a HEPA filter to clear the air, using a ceiling fan could exacerbate your nighttime allergy symptoms.
9. Take a nighttime allergy relief medication
You might find there isn’t much you can do to reduce the allergens in your home. A medication, like FLONASE, can help you manage your discomfort. Try FLONASE Nighttime Allergy Relief to get a break from your allergy symptoms so you can get to sleep. You can also use FLONASE Allergy Relief Nasal Spray to experience 24-hour relief from nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes, and itchy nose – all day and all night – so you can get to sleep.4
Put your nighttime allergies to bed
There’s no good time to experience uncomfortable allergy symptoms, but they can be especially frustrating when you’re trying to sleep. By trying a few of these simple tips, you may be able to reduce the allergens that keep you awake. And with FLONASE allergy symptom relief products, you can relieve your nighttime symptoms.
Source Citations:
- Allergic Rhinitis. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. https://acaai.org/allergies/types/hay-fever-rhinitis. Accessed 7/9/2021.
- Allergens That Impact Sleep. Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/allergies-and-sleep/allergens-that-impact-sleep. Accessed 7/9/2021.
- What is a HEPA Filter? EPA.gov. https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/what-hepa-filter-1. Accessed 7/9/2021.
- Flonase Frequently Asked Questions. FLONASE. https://www.flonase.com/faqs/. Accessed 7/9/2021.