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How to Ease Allergy Symptoms on a First Date

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If you’ve been on a first date before, you know how nerve-wracking it can be. What should you wear, where should you go, and will you have enough in common to have things to talk about? Going on a first date is stressful enough without worrying about your Spring allergies playing the awkward third wheel. If you’re looking for some easy tips on how to say “buh-bye!” to your allergy symptoms as you leave your house for the evening, read on!

(Caution: this article won’t be able to help you if your date is boring — that is a storm we must all weather on our own!)

How To Have a Great Date

Start Taking Flonase at First Sign of Symptoms

If Spring allergies are threatening to ruin your good time, start using Flonase to treat your symptoms early before your date. This will allow for full effectiveness by the time the night arrives. Flonase is designed to relieve the kind of allergy symptoms that could easily put a damper on a first date, like nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, and runny nose. It also contains the No. 1 prescribed allergy medicine1, so you can feel confident that it won’t let you down in the middle of a romantic dinner.

Beautify With Natural Cosmetics

Cosmetics that have more natural ingredients are less likely to irritate sensitive areas like your eyes or nose over the course of the night. If you find that your allergy symptoms particularly irritate your baby blues, use a more natural eyeliner and mascara with Flonase to be absolutely sure your eye-locking sessions won’t be interrupted.

Set Out a Fresh Outfit For the Night

Most people do this already, but changing into fresh clothes for your date is a great way to keep allergy symptoms at bay, since allergens from the outdoors can stick to our clothing. It’s the perfect excuse to wear that new LBD.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Joke Out of It

So what do you do if, despite being proactive, you still have to deal with certain allergy symptoms during a first date? Joke about it! Humor is a great tool to relieve first date awkwardness in general, and showing your date that you can laugh about carrying tissues in your bag or having to get up to blow your nose every so often will help the both of you feel comfortable. It’s good to be able to not take yourself so seriously. And hey, if they judge you for having allergies, they’re probably not second-date material anyway.

The most important tip for going into a first date? Think positive! Whether it’s being optimistic about not having to deal with any allergy symptoms or about the date in general, trying to see the good in any situation can turn most dates (even the not-so-perfect ones) into something you can smile about later.

1 Based on IMS Health Monthly TRx Allergy Market for 12-month period ending 2/28/18.

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